New member, familiarization

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New member, familiarization

Post by DavidG »

I'm seriously looking at the Express, understanding the Wheeler and Express 2000 are distinctly different in several aspects. I used to fly a Trinidad TB20 and left the certified world for a Vans RV-9A. We love it but find we miss the extra 2 seats and range. Not looking to go back to certified, the Express seems to have many of the attributes I am looking for. My experience is 6000 hours, ATP with time in myriad types and models. Generally, I can adapt to anything as long as I study and understand the particular flight characteristics. I live in Northern California and would love to visit someone to see and learn about the Express. Please let me know if you know anyone who might be willing to talk, teach and help.
Kind Regards,
David Goldfarb
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Re: New member, familiarization

Post by kevin »

The Express isn’t difficult to fly, and it doesn’t have any bad habits. The IO 360 models are cheap to operate, the IO 540 models go faster but bu4n more fuel. Most models carry more fuel than is usually needed, and it’s range will outlast most bladders.
I can keep going, if you want more info just ask. I am in TN close to Nashville.
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Joined: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:01 am

Re: New member, familiarization

Post by DavidG »

Do you have an email or is there a way to get authorization to send PM?
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Re: New member, familiarization

Post by Finley »

Say you are near Nashville TN. I am hangered at 4M7, just north of you. I have a close to complete express. I'm about to install the wings and finish it up.
Would love to have you take a look. Would like to talk to you about my situation and schedule. I have all the paperwork complete including COA. Excluding the Phase One test area! That's sure to spark a Q or 2!
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Re: New member, familiarization

Post by kevin »

I am in Nashville, I can fly over and take a look at it. You can call me at 239-896-7576. I can do the test Flying too if you like. Let me know when you want to schedule a day up there.
What Airport would I land at.
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Joined: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:54 pm

Re: New member, familiarization

Post by Finley »

4M7 is my home airport. I have a 182 and the wheeler fuse there. My wings are just about ready to go back on the plane! I'm working on them today.
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