Bird I looked at. comments, please

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Bird I looked at. comments, please

Post by skypuppy »

Saw a beautiful bird yesterday that is up for sale. However, is has several concerns and at least one problem so I'd like to get advice from out "collective." :)

The one safety of flight problem is the flap motor. It appears to stick at random times. The owner isn't sure whether it is an electrical or mechanical problem but he thinks it is an electrical one. He is sure that the motor itself is ok, but I have no way to know that without taking it out and bench-testing. It can't be flown IMO until that is resolved.

The concerns:
1. The alternator output is too low, or at least the gauge says it is. The alternator, an automotive one, is belt-driven, with very few flight-hours on it. It was late in the day and we were both too tired to check the belts or even remove the cowling. Another bench-test item.

2. The owner thinks that all the mechanical cables from the panel need replacing, as it was a Florida bird for most of it's life. Is that difficult? And if those cables need replacing, are the flight controls cable or rods? By that, I mean rudder, aileron, etc. Flight controls move freely and without any noticeable friction.

3. It has the cruceiform tail and that scares me a little. The Express "factory" says the parts to replace it with the newer version are $20,000 JUST for the parts. Labor not included in that price. Owner says, with the C-tail, cross-control maneuvers are forbidden. So, no slips to fix a landing. To me, that is extremely worrisome.

4. Everything on it is from the original Wheeler design. Should I replace the landing gear? How much would that cost and how much trouble is that?

5. With flaps extended, there are a couple places where they have rubbed on the wing, showing 1/8th inch deep score marks. One of those is nearly 4 inches wide. Is this a concern?

6. I had this 'problem' with another Express I looked at. The pilot seat is really narrow. My thighs are not huge, but I could not get the stick to go stop to stop for aileron turns. Almost, but not to the stops. I don't think this would be a problem in flight but I'd like to make sure. I could jam the stick to the stops, but it actually hurt to do so. Slow speeds is where this could be an issue.

7. I didn't see a rotating beacon, nor a landing light.

8. The condition inspection is out of date, and being unsure of overall flight safety, plus I've not flown one of these before, **how do I get it home?** Ferry permits are almost easy, but who determines if it is safe to fly (once the flap motor is resolved) and who can bring it home? Alternatively, where can I get transition training to my satisfaction? I'm in north Alabama.

If you're read this far, THANK you for your perseverance! :)
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Re: Bird I looked at. comments, please

Post by skypuppy »

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Re: Bird I looked at. comments, please

Post by jchisolm »

I have a CT "in progress" (for years). I'll give you my $.02 worth on your questions:
0) The early flap motors were not a good fit. This can be fixed using a different motor but will require some work. I have the old flap motor and will not use it. I've got to search Grainger and others for a fix. I have ridden in an CT version where we landed with no flaps. It was a non-event.

1) what size engine? This could be a guage issue, wiring issue or new alternator issue. You can fix this.

2) Alerons are push/pull, rudder is cables. You can pull the cables out, measure carefully and order custom made cables from the likes of Aircraft Spruce.

3) I dont have an issue with the CT tail. The thing to remember is you are not flying a 172 or cherokee. In a 172 you are not supposed to do slips with flaps. Some folks I know will do s-turns in their 172 if they are high on final. There is a lot of folklore out there about the CT and truth. I would make sure and limit rudder travel. Look in the old forum section for post about the tail. (Thanks to Kevin for getting those back on line). It's not an easy task replacing that tail.

4) What gear does it have. If memory serves, there were 4 versions. Original fiberglass, steel, new fiberglass and alumnimum. I think you can still get the alumnimum gear from Grove. Make sure and read through the old post about gear issues and fixes.

5) To me, yes it is a concern. It could be a "wavey" trailing edge that was fixed with qcel or bondo when getting ready to paint or uneven layups when building the aft spar and wing close out or the flaps were not fit correctly when they were made. You need to fix this. Could just be some sanding or more serious.

6) This kind of goes back to you are not flying a cub. I dont think I have heard of anyone complaining about not having enough aleron. I have the same problem in my Cherokee. If I want to do full stops I have to move my leg.

7) Does it have strobe lights? My understanding is if the strobes have 360deg visibility you dont need the beacon. It's strobes or beacon or both. Landing light just means you dont fly at night, though my instructor made me land without the landing light. He would kill the landing light or the panel lights or both at times.

8) The original builder might be able to do the condition if he applied for the paperwork but I dont know if I would trust him. You should be able to find a AI to look it over for a ferry permit. What engine/prop does it have. You should get some dual time before you hop in and head out. Mine is still in pieces so I can not help you out.
Joe Chisolm
Express CT builder
Marble Falls, Texas
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Re: Bird I looked at. comments, please

Post by kevin »

I am an A&P and have 2 CTs. Here are my thoughts-

1. The alternator could be a non issue or require replacement. My "certified FAA-PMA" alternator is a Delco in disguise but with an $800 price tag. If in doubt test it or replace it.

2. Replacing the cables is usually a 3 to 4 hour job- have to detach under the cowl and then go inside and pull them out, install the new ones and re-attach after setting the travel correctly. Not hard, just not easy to get to. Get the vernier cables- you will thank me for it.

3. I fly one CT and am almost done with another and give instruction to newbies in one. Dont be afraid of the CT- the only issues with it are the same as any CT or T tail aircraft- at extreme nose high attitudes the wings can start to blank out the tail which will cause the nose to drop some. Just like a Cessna stall, it is really a non-event. Likewise full rudder in a slip can cause the downwind side of the tail to stall again lowering the nose a bit to increase airspeed. Another non event. I have landed as slowly as 60 knots with no issues at all.

4. Replace the gear with the steel ones. When you do add 6 layers of glass to each side of the rib. Some of the earlier ribs would crack if you landed hard enough. The aluminum gear will raise the tail up by several inches on the ground and are stiffer on landing.

5. It is normal for the flaps to rub the wings, the fix is to sand down the inside of the pocket where the flaps seat. When the wings were laid up the glass/resin stayed a little thick there. A putty knife with sand paper on each side works well.

6. I removed the stick and drilled another hole 5/8 aft from the last factory hole which moved the stick forward 5/8". I also rotated the stick about 5 degrees to the right when I did it. Now it doesnt hit my gonads when I pullup, and it is more centered and more comfortable. I am 5'6 and 200 lbs. At full deflection it will rub my thighs a bit, but in flight I dont go there. In the few landings that I had where I needed all she had, I would think I bumped my thighs but I did not notice it at all. Rarely do you need full deflection.

7. If the aircraft has strobes visible from 360 degrees no beacon is needed. I like one because in IFR at night I dont like my strobes to be on. Easy fix.

8. I used a linear actuator with 100 lbs dynamic and 500 static for around 150.00. Works fine. Minimal changes to make it fit.
No flap landings are non events just land at around 70 or so approach speed.

I am an A&P, have 2 of these, am completing a condition inspection on one now that hasn't flown for 4 years complete with a few repairs. If you want me to look at it let me know. I am in NE FL.

I can give a local CFI a few hours in the aircraft if you like, or in a few weeks I will be a CFI and can do it for you.

KA 239-896-7576
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