Panel Set up.

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Panel Set up.

Post by LarryK »

Ok. Getting closer to having the wings ready to take tot he air, not this month... or next.. but. hey, forward progress is key. I have a couple of questions on the panel lay out. Trying to decide where to put the flap switch and the prop control. Do you put them in easy reach? or next to the control stick? I have the Ray Allen Grips with all the buttons, (not connected to the airplane yet), but... I have an IVO inflight adjustable but its not that much of a problem to reach and once its set it shouldn't need to be worried about? I have a few choice spaces left but reach and access from behind is a key. Any suggestions? 1 incorporates the prop and check engine light into one panel the other 2 small Lexan are splitting them up, and as for the flaps, completely clues less because of the type of switch...

FYI... In case not one knows about the company called "Front Panel Express" they made the switch plates for me, they also made all the background panel mounts plates. They are great to work and make phenomenal pieces. I (you) can build design it and its fast. I have no stake in them, but they do make some cool stuff. We (EAA Seattle) took a tour of there office/shop here in Seattle... (My skills are not that great but for the 3rd try its not to bad).
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